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  • Principle Investigator


    Jianbo Yin

    Assistant professor, School of electronics, Peking University


    ORCID: 0000-0001-6610-3916

    Jianbo received his BSc in department of physics, Northwest University at Xi'an in 2008, and PhD of Physical electronics from Peking University in 2013. Then he started working on optoelectronics of two-dimensional (2D) materials as postdoc with Prof. Zhongfan Liu and Prof. Hailin Peng in the same university. In 2016, he joined Prof. Frank Koppens' group as posdoc and later as Marie-Curie Fellow in ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, where he continued working on optoelectronics of 2D materials. He joined Beijing Graphene Institute in 2019 and School of Electronics, Peking University as assistant professor at the end of 2022. Jianbo is interested in experimental condensed matter physics and designing practical optoelectronic devices. He enjoys different cultures and sports such as football, running, hiking, etc.

    Postdoctoral researcher

    Jiangrui Zhu, PhD, email: zhujr@bgi-graphene.com

    Qingmei Hu, PhD, email: huqm@bgi-graphene.com

    Graduate Students

    Zhongyang Ji, email: jizhongyang@pku.edu.cn

    Jiawei Yang, email: bjut_yangjw@yeah.net

    Yurui Li, email: liyurui@stu.pku.edu.cn

    Jiayi Hu, email: hujiayi@stu.pku.edu.cn

    Chunyang Zheng, email: zhengcy@stu.pku.edu.cn

    Panjing Liu, email: liupj@bgi-graphene.com

    Research Engineers

    Yahui Pang, email: pangyh@bgi-graphene.com

    Wenping Zhang, email: zhangwp@bgi-graphene.com

    Former group members

    Jianbo Sun, now PI in Beijing Graphene Institute